RICS BIM National Conference
As head of Building Consultancy at Johnson Fellows I thought it would be prudent to learn more about BIM (Building Information Modelling), as I had read snippets about it over the last few months and wanted to find out how it potentially could be integrated into our business. I therefore attended the RICS BIM National Conference in London on 13th February 2013. To my astonishment it was attended by over 200 delegates and initially I thought blimey we’re lagging behind!
I’m not going to bore you to death, but it is a very interesting phenomenon and is here to stay, so the message was “get on board or pack up shop”. Instead I have put together a few quotes and buzz words from the speakers in the hope it might be interesting and whet your appetite. The notes were scribbled together on my journey back to Brum on the train.
In essence BIM is all about a joined up approach from inception to handover, and most importantly beyond for all stakeholders to cooperate and assume a collaborate approach for the briefing, design development, construction and completion and operation of a construction project.
There were eminent speakers at the conference where I managed to gleam the following memorable quotes/buzz words, but I must admit for a beginner it was like ‘information overload’.
I hope I have provided a taster, but to learn more tap into Cobie Construction Industry Council, BIM taskforce and the West Midlands BIM Hub – I’m going to!